
Flappers are what women were considered in the 1920s. They usually wore dresses that went to their knees, (which was a big turnover from what women usually wore) had their hair cut really short like up to their ears, and also wore closely fitting hats. They were called this because of the sound their laces made against their shoes when they walked.


These are coats which are long and usually they were wrap overs. The collars were usually made out of fur.


Girls and young women went through a stage where they all cut their hair which was called the bobbed haircut. It was cut halfway between the cheekbone and chin. Their bangs could be worn straight across or swept to one side. The hair didn't look natural. It was slicked down and glistening.
Then the Shingle, which came after the bob, was cut in a V-shape. Which exposed the neck.


This hat was worn by women, mostly all the time. They were tight fitting hats, that sometimes were decorated either by a ribbon or pin of some sort.


Girls applied their makeup such as lip stick and powered to their faces at the dinner table. Then portable makeup containers, such as lipstick tubes which were made with metals and jewels, became a big thing for on the go.
Early Mascara was a wax that was melted and applied to the lashes with an orange stick. Lip stick was the reddest of the red and no other color options were available. They usually plucked their eye brows until they were incredibly thin, and then drew them in with pencils.
Eye make up was made of ingredients such as soot, lead and goose grease.